20 Product Managers to Follow on Twitter in 2020
A common piece of advice for new product managers is to “learn by doing.” As a new-ish PM, I’d agree that it’s hard to beat the “experience of experience” when it comes to developing your product skills.
There is, however, another resourceful way to improve your skills as a product manager: learn from industry experts in different online communities. Twitter, LinkedIn, and Medium are all fantastic places to read about and hear from some of the top thought leaders in our space.
Our product team recently compiled a list of the top 20 product managers we just can’t get enough of on Twitter. An equal mix of women and men in the product space, these voices each offer followers a unique, knowledgeable perspective on navigating the ins and outs of product management.
From guidance on how to improve your shipping cadence to seasoned tips for managing a healthy work-life balance, you’ll find a wealth of resources to help you boost your PM skills.
Top product leaders to follow on Twitter.
NOTE: If you’d like to follow all these feeds with a single click, subscribe to our Twitter list! Link: 20 PMs to follow on Twitter
Ann Miura-Ko @annimaniac VC @Floodgate. Tweets about: startups, growth.
Marty Cagan @cagan Partner @ Silicon Valley Product Group. Tweets about: managing product managers, strategy.
David Cancel @dcancel CEO @Drift. Tweets about: communication, diversity.

Des Traynor @destraynor Co-founder @Intercom. Tweets about: product processes, shipping.
Diana Kimball @dianakimball VP Product @Quip. Tweets about: podcasts, execution.
Raylene @emdashry Engineering & Product @Stripe. Tweets about: building teams, sustainability.
Jason Evanish @Evanish CEO @Get_Lighthouse. Tweets about: the PM role, communication. Author of one of the longest twitter threads on the PM role!
Jason Fried @jasonfried CEO @Basecamp. Tweets about: work-life balance, working remotely.
Julie Zhuo @joulee Product Designer @Facebook. Tweets about: management, design.
Kate Catlin @Kate_Catlin Product Manager @circleci. Tweets about: development processes, redesign.

Lenny Rachitsky @lennysan Former Growth @Airbnb. Tweets about: marketplaces, product-market fit
Maggie Crowley @maggiecrowley Product Manager @Drift. Tweets about: product processes, career growth.

Merci Victoria Grace @merci Founder of @womeninproduct. Tweets about: collaboration tools, product-market fit.

Melissa Perri @lissijean CEO @ProduxLabs. Tweets about: product education, execution.
Noah Weiss @noah_weiss Director of Product @Slack. Tweets about: product management career track, recruiting PMs.
Casey Winters @onecaseman Chief Product Officer @Eventbrite. Tweets about: marketplaces, launching new features.
Suzie Prince @pm_suzie Head of Product @Thoughtworks. Tweets about: customer research, product processes.
Shreyas Doshi @shreyas Product Manager @Stripe. Tweets about: growing as a PM, recommended PM reads.